SciComm @UCSB
Science Communication
Writing Minor
Share your passion for science with the world
Interested in the Minor?
Steps to complete
Sophomore & Junior Year
Prepare to Apply

After Writing 2, take three upper-division courses in the Writing Program. Choose any that interest you! All are excellent preparation for the minor. Some students find Writing 105SW, "Science Writing for the Public" and 109ST: "Writing for Science & Technology" relevant because they provide a preview of the Senior Year capstone courses.
Senior Year, Fall
2024-5 Deadline: October 11, 11:59 PM
To apply, submit a writing portfolio that demonstrates your qualifications. Multiple genres (video, presentations, academic papers, websites, etc.) are encouraged. Select smaller sections of larger texts to provide a range of samples.

Students from all majors encouraged to apply!
Senior Year, Winter
Minor Capstone 1:
Scientific Literacy with Dr. Kenny Smith
Science Literacy

With the 25 other students accepted into the Science Communication track, take the first capstone course, 159A: "Scientific Literacy." Explore the social and cultural contexts of science communication, including counter-stories and combating misinformation. See Student Portfolios for assignment examples from previous years.
Senior Year, Spring
Minor Capstone 2: Science Communication for the Public with Dr. Amanda Stansell
During Spring quarter, take the second course in the minor, Writing 159B. This course teaches students to communicate with nonspecialist audiences in genres ranging from websites to social media. Students learn about techniques for engaging audiences and then design a substantial capstone project targeting an audience of their choice. See the 2024 Graduation Slide Deck for recent capstone projects.
Students will leave 159A&B with a Portfolio​ that demonstrates their writing expertise in science communication.

SciComm for the Public
Senior Year, Spring
By the end of winter quarter, find an internship that provides 6+ hours per week for 10 weeks. Any of the 10 weeks can be distributed across winter & spring quarters. Starting in the fall, the SciComm track professors will help you to find an internship targeted to your interests. Unpaid volunteer positions at UCSB count toward this requirement. In the spring, take the internship course that meets three times during the quarter.

Alumni Portfolios
Click on a photo for portfolios & capstone projects
Sydney Hanning

Sample Capstone projects from the class of 2024